Hey ya’ll! I am so excited you decided to stop by today! I know, I know – yet another photographer “about me” page. I promise to keep this short and sweet! I am a photographer by choice but a wife, momma and Christian by heart. My own journey to motherhood was intense and emotional. Infertility and miscarriages made for a long and bumpy road!
My husband Isaac, my rock, has weathered the storm with me throughout all the ups and downs of our 14 year marriage. Why do I mention this? My journey has made me who I am. Who I am as a photographer is an extension of who I am as a mother. I know how painful the road to motherhood can be. But I also know firsthand how amazingly beautiful and rewarding it can be. My goal as a photographer is to capture all the awe-inspiring moments that come with our sweet, miraculous little babies.
I know when considering a photographer there are many, many choices. I truly appreciate you taking the time to consider Simply Sweet Photography. Every photographer loves capturing the sweet tiny toes of a newborn baby and the pink swirling dress of a four year old princess spinning in a field of flowers; Or the long-awaited joy expectant parents feel as they look down at the pregnant belly full of ALL of their future hopes and dreams. So how do you possibly choose? Who do you trust with your children, your whole world wrapped up in the most beautiful little package? I truly believe that passion can make all of the difference when creating artwork. Photography makes my soul sing! It gives me an unbelievable amount of purpose. I have a passion for capturing and documenting life’s most magical and prayed for moments. I have two beautiful babies in heaven that I have only ever held in my heart. I would love to have beautiful, treasured photography to remember them by, However, I know my experience in losing them has only deepened by love and appreciation for my two beautiful children – Camden and Davaney. It has given me such a deep respect and appreciation for capturing every moment and every detail. I choose to pass this onto my amazing clients, my extended family. My pain has led to my purpose. Creating treasured artwork with my clients is such a beautiful process. I’m entrusted with helping them preserve their legacy and I can think of no higher honor.
“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord” – Isaiah 66.9